12/10/2014 07:09:10 pm
would make a good video :P
12/11/2014 01:13:02 am
So he is saying that Múspell and Niflheim didn't form the drops of water to create Ymir and Auðumbla that he didn't create 2 giants from Ymir's arm pits?
2/4/2015 04:41:10 pm
LOL. Clever reply.
2/28/2015 10:31:00 am
I'm sure a Chinese entrepreneur could jump in and get the mass production of gods up and running in no time. Those Chinese are very efficient, they could make them in any colour (or gender), curly or straight hair, even gods that look like the person who placed the order, sort of a customised god. Given enough time, there could be a god for each person on the planet that wanted one.
3/13/2015 02:28:57 pm
I think my fellow Christian should look up the idea of the "Divine council" to see how more than one agents could have been implied in the Biblical creation story. Simple point in case, God refers to "we", and no, that wasn't the trinity, because there was no concept of the trinity in Jewish theology
John o
4/5/2015 09:23:23 pm
If the Universe was designed by any entity for humans there should have been a bunch of Engineering change orders as even I could come up with better design parameters, and other nuances to maximize human advantages and/or suitability for wise growth and comfort.
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