4/19/2014 01:46:33 am
Even more convincing than the accounts of Judas death are the accounts of the purchasing of the field by both Judas and the Pharisees. The critical point is that both of the parties are said to purchase the same field with the identical, numerically singular set of 30 pieces of silver.
4/19/2014 11:10:27 am
I've studied numbers based on 10, and based on 2, and based on 16 but the numbers based on the bible just don't make sense.
4/19/2014 11:48:40 pm
I always thought the best explanation was Chinese telephone, (no offense, Chinese people. It's the only name for it I know). These are orally passed down stories, only committed to papyrus many decades later. You can't tell a story once without embellishments creeping in, let alone thousands of times.
4/20/2014 12:40:35 am
I believe that's just called "telephone" or "the telephone game" or something. I've never heard it as Chinese. I guess heresy would be the best name for it.
4/24/2014 10:59:41 am
It likely you are younger than I am. Back in the day, they added the epithet "Chinese" to anything confusing or complicated. That is how "Chinese checkers" and "Chinese fire drill" got their names. That the younger generation hasn't even heard these names would indicate they are dying out.
4/20/2014 03:43:34 am
Decades?? Try generations!! These oral traditions/stories predate literature. Stories based on what primitive, preliterate people saw in the stars were passed back and forth for eons over campfires before writing ever developed...
4/24/2014 11:04:51 am
We're speaking specifically about the Gospels, which were written between 40 and 90 years after the death of Jesus. Still, plenty of time for nonsense and exaggeration to creep in. Not to mention mistranslations and copying errors, once they were committed to paper.
4/20/2014 12:08:38 pm
Is "Probably just got written down wrong or something" the best way to explain the data that Christians will not accept, or is there a comprehensive way to understand the texts that atheists refuse to explore or accept?
4/22/2014 07:34:58 am
If there IS a comprehensive way to understand the texts that atheists refuse to explore or accept, that manages to reconcile the contradictions throughout even only the new testament, ....
David Zyngier
4/22/2014 10:56:56 am
Can you please contact me about working together to remove Special religious Instruction from our Primary Schools!
4/25/2014 06:50:32 pm
Every time I see "Father into your hands, I commit my spirit", System of a Down starts singing Chop Suey in my head. So obviously, it's both.
Paul Michael
4/27/2014 12:24:23 am
First I would like to compliment you on the videos you have put up on YouTube. I just recently came across your channel and I have found your videos very humorous. Your comedic delivery is quite good. Second, I am curious if you, and the other atheist youtubers (Darkmatter, The Atheist Experience), have ever considered doing an actual live action film (not a documentary). I may be wrong about this, however, I think that you could get a fair amount of donations (from fellow atheists) to get a project started. The publicity could be overwhelming (if done properly). Perhaps snag a few film students, then choose the most gifted ones to direct such a movie. I for one would volunteer my time (and some coin) to get such a project started. Although I am in Grad School at the moment..so my time is limited until March of 2015.
Paul Michael
4/27/2014 12:34:32 am
By the way, I am not a film student (or actor).. so I am not looking to direct a film or act in a film...That being said...The argument for Creationism being taught in schools worries me a bit, and I believe an Independent Film (if done properly) would get the attention of many. I think of movies like "God Is Not Dead" and I am amazed by the publicity it received, although it employed "B" actors and a poor script.
4/28/2014 10:14:51 pm
Hey NSC,
4/29/2014 12:03:26 am
I should add to my last comment that Mohammed's birthday is not exactly on the same date as Jesus. Mawlid is on the 24th, Jesus on 25th and 26th. Jesus has got two birthdays, Mohammed just one. Perks of being the son of God. That's another thing, in islam you can find the definition of god and Jesus hits all the marks. But then the Quran rejects Jesus as divine. See also http://answering-islam.org/Quran/Contra/jesus_creator.htm
4/29/2014 01:39:44 am
In my experience, the answers would be more like this...
5/7/2014 05:56:31 am
Contradictions and discrepancies among the four gospels is a relatively modern concern, at least since the invention of movable type and the introduction of general literacy.
5/27/2014 08:44:04 pm
Come on... Don't be so fuzzy.
4/28/2016 08:23:25 am
I love how you used comic sans for the Biblical Inerrantist column. If you ever need any graphic design/photoshop/editing help, let me know.
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